STartLE project 02
What is slit animation?
Slit animation is a method of creating animation by preparing a picture seen through slits (gaps) of equal width in each frame, as in a flip-book comic strip. This animation makes use of the human visual illusion that "the brain compensates for the expected movement and shape between the movements.

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Why slit animation on automatic doors?
Have you ever paid attention to the seals on the glass and windows of buildings to prevent collisions? I have never paid much attention to them. I thought it would be interesting if such things were moving pictures. This project began with such an idea. I used the sideways shifting movement of automatic doors as the slit sheet shifting movement of slit animation, and created moving pictures on the automatic doors using cutting sheets. Looking back and taking animation, it creates a new value as a "playground" from "just an entrance and exit. We installed it on the automatic door of the Faculty of Education in the hope that students who aspire to become teachers will create more and more new values. From activities like Startle, fun! Interesting! I want to play! →I want to learn! If this cycle spreads to schools and society, I believe the world will become a more interesting place.
本館棟 2022.6.18 設置 作品名『ドキドキきらきら』
Installed on June 18, 2022, at the main building of the Faculty of Education. Title: "Doki-Doki Doki Kirakira

講義棟 2022.7.3 設置 作品名『パタパタはばたく鳥たち』
Installed: July 3, 2022, at the Faculty of Education Lecture Building Title: "Flapping Birds

形 Forme No.328 スリットアニメ研究所「編集部の挑戦|岡山大学STartLEプロジェクト「スリットアニメーション自動ドア」紹介動画」
The design of the birds in "Patapata Flapping Birds" was designed by Takuto Eguchi, a designer. After the completion of the slit animation automatic door, Mr. Eguchi came to see the actual door and took a video of it. The video is here.


創立五十周年記念館 2023.3.16設置 作品名『たのしいはる』
50th Anniversary Memorial Hall 2023.3.16 Installation Title: "Tanoshii Haru
2023年3月18・19日に岡山大学創立五十周年記念館にて行われるCRELab. FORUM2023にあわせて、STartLEの活動として、五十周年記念館の出入り口自動ドアにスリットアニメーションをつけました。図はこのためにパソコンで制作した完全新作です!花が咲いて、風に吹かれ、踊っているように揺れ動き、それに蝶が誘われて飛んできたような、たのしい春の訪れをイメージしました。前出の3作品とは異なり、2日間だけの展示ではあり ますが、かわいらしくて愛着のこもった作品となりました。訪れた方々になごんでいただきたいという願いを込めました。
In conjunction with CRELab. FORUM 2023 to be held at the 50th Anniversary Memorial Hall of Okayama University on March 18 and 19, 2023, STartLE has created a slit animation for the automatic entrance and exit doors of the 50th Anniversary Memorial Hall. The figure is a completely new work created on a computer for this purpose! I imagined a pleasant springtime, as if flowers were blooming, blowing in the wind, swaying and dancing, and butterflies were attracted by them and flew to the door. Unlike the three works mentioned above, this work was only exhibited for two days, but it turned out to be a cute and lovely work of art. We hope visitors to the exhibition will find the works to be a source of comfort and relaxation.